
Shield Charge
Requires Level 1, Requires Shields
Gesture: Swipe Up
Transfer all power to the shields and accelerate the ship forward destroying asteroids and stunning ships for 1 second

Requires Level 2
Gesture: Pan Left
Ship engines create a sub-space wave damaging ships.

Hyperspace Charge
Requires Level 3, Racer Mode Only
Gesture: Two Finger Swipe Up
Launch into a hyperspace bubble for 5 seconds making you invurnerable to all collisions but not enemy fire. Bosses are not affected. With certain talents, for example, the HyperSpaceTime talent you can extend the timer by another 7.5 seconds.

Side Swipe
Requires Level 4, Requires Shields
Gesture: Swipe Left/Right
Transfer all power to the shields and roll the ship sideways.

Main Blaster Ultimate
Requires Level 5
Gesture: Double Tap
Charge main blaster to release a massive pulse at 200% damage.

Side Pulse
Requires Level 6
Gesture: Pan Right
Charge side blasters to release a\nmassive pulse at 200% damage.

Fast Strikes
Requires Level 7
Gesture: Swipe Down
Special blaster rate of fire is cut in half for 10 seconds. Void Defenders Only:Tractor field is expanded 50% for 10 seconds.

Ultimate Strike
Requires Level 8
Gesture: Two Finger Swipe Down
Charge special blasters to fire at 800% damage.

Hardened Shields
Requires Level 8, Requires Void Defenders
Gesture: Two Finger Swipe Down
Supercharge and boost shields by 25% reducing all damage by 50% for 15 seconds.

Tactical Nuke
Requires Level 8, Requires Destroyers
Gesture: Two Finger Swipe Down
Instantly Fire tactical nukes for 800% damage